Relationship Dilemma Remedies

A Blog About Solving Common Relationship Dilemmas

7 Habits of Successful Wives

pexels-photo-945879.jpegEver wonder how some women manage to be part of a successful marriage? Tree are certain things that they know are important in their marriage. Here are seven habits of successful wives have in common.

  1. Successful wives recognize that, even though she has a female best friend, she makes sure that her husband understands that he and their relationship supersedes that friendship.

Let him know that he is a priority. This does not mean that you abandon your women friends, it simply means that you think about him first.

  1. Successful wives flirt with their husband.

Not only will it make him feel good, I will make you feel better as well.

  1. Successful wives are physically affectionate … using lots of hugs, kisses and touches.

Physical touch is very important in a relationship. Even if you were not reared with a lot of touch, stretch yourself.

  1. Successful wives are genuinely positive. They acknowledge their husband’s efforts. Thank him for things that he does for her and for the family, even if she feel like he is not thanking her enough, successful wives will thank their spouse.

Do your best to refrain from keeping score. Find ways to acknowledge … every day what you like and appreciate about your spouse.

  1. Successful wives find activities that they can do together. They might watch a sports game, attend an athletic event or engage in something that he enjoys.

Women appreciate conversation. Men often most appreciate having a playmate or a partner.

  1. Successful wives are kind to their husbands family.

Even though they may not be your favorite folks, they are his family and important to him. Limit your negative comments or complaints about them and, if you need his support on something, do your best to ask it as a positive request.

  1. Successful wives, rather than complaining, find ways to notice when their partner is making efforts and acknowledges them. When a successful wife does need to bring up a complaint, she finds a way to be soft about it and allow him some time to mull it over before expecting a response.

Are there habits of successful wives that you think should be added to this list? Please share your thoughts.

March 20, 2018 Posted by | Be A Better Spouse, couples, happy marriages, Love, marriage, Relationship Dilemmas, Successful wives | Leave a comment